The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is one of Spain's leading public universities, renowned for its excellence in teaching and research. Located near Barcelona, UAB is a major institution with over 40,000 students and 6,000 staff members.
At present, the Department of Sociology has nine research groups working in areas such as immigration and ethnic minorities; education and youth transitions; analytical sociology and institutional design; feelings and emotions; infancy and family; religion, identities, and culture; everyday life and work; education and social policies; women and gender.
ISOR (Research in Sociology of Religion) is a research group within the Department of Sociology (UAB) oriented towards the study of religion, culture, and memory.
COREP, a non-profit consortium founded in 1987, is dedicated to advanced training, innovation support, and services for its members. Within its activities, COREP manages the SCT - Social Community Theatre Centre (SCT-COREP), established in 2014. COREP has over 35 years of experience in European projects, specializing in project management, quality management, user needs analysis, and innovative training models.
SCT COREP utilizes a multidisciplinary methodology that leverages theatre and performing arts to enhance personal, professional, and community well-being. This approach promotes social innovation, citizenship, and health.
The Centre for Resilience and Social and Emotional Health (CRES-UM) at University of Malta has been leading and participating in numerous research projects over the last fifteen years on mental health promotion, resilience, and wellbeing of children and young people. It has participated in more than 10 EU-funded projects and is presently leading an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Resilience in Education. CRES-UM has also led local and international studies on the inclusion and wellbeing of students from a migrant background and has developed a policy for broadening access to tertiary education for these students. They have created a resilience curriculum for schools, translated into 11 languages, and publish the International Journal of Emotional Education.
Iscte was founded in 1972 as a high-quality public university institute focused on studying labour and social dynamics in a rapidly changing world. It is known for its education and research in areas such as Management and Economics, Sociology and Public Policy, Social Sciences and Humanities, Information and Communication Technologies, and Architecture.
On campus, Iscte hosts approximately 11,000 students, with nearly 20% being international, and employs a dedicated team of faculty and staff. The university is research-oriented, featuring eight research units and six laboratories.
CIS-Iscte's mission is to develop psychological and psychosocial theories and models, empirically test them, and apply them to contemporary societal issues, informing knowledge-based public policies. The training of students and young researchers is a priority, consolidating CIS-Iscte's reputation as an internationally recognized centre of excellence.
IFounded in 1620, UNICA is a public state university located on the island of Sardinia, in the heart of the Mediterranean. With approximately 25,000 students and over 1,900 teaching and technical administrative staff, it is one of the largest organizations on the island.
The Department of Medical Science and Public Health at UNICA focuses on health promotion, researching the health promotion climate in various settings such as schools, universities, hospitals, and cities. They aim to identify strengths and needs to enhance health and wellbeing. The department played a key role in the project “Developing competencies and professional standards for health promotion capacity building in Europe (CompHP),” which contributed to the IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System.
The Bachelor’s program in Public Health (Assistenza Sanitaria) at UNICA is accredited by IUHPE, with several faculty members holding IUHPE accreditation as health promotion practitioners. The team involved in this project brings valuable skills and expertise to the HEARTS Project.
The IUHPE is a global professional non-governmental organization dedicated to health promotion worldwide. For over 70 years, IUHPE has maintained an independent, global network of professionals and institutions committed to improving health and wellbeing through education, community action, and healthy public policy development.
The official working languages are French, English, and Spanish.
IUHPE’s mission is to promote global health and wellbeing and to achieve equity in health between and within countries. In 2021, IUHPE had about 530 members, including national health promotion and public health agencies, academic institutions, NGOs, and individuals.
HEARTS Higher Education Action Response for Trauma Support (Project Number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000158841) is a strategic partnership within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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